Z1/43/3/5 Harford, Ermington Hundred

Oc[to]b[e]r 20th 1715 An account of the vallue of those Estates which have been formerly assest to arms both horse & foot

Name (and title)Further detailsAmount    
(£ s (d))    
John Williams Esqrfor ye Barton of Stowford100-0-0    horse *[* see note below]
The occupiers of Hall 50-0-0    foot
John Hakefor the Rectory42-0-0    foot
the same for his tenem[en]t in Stowford8-0-0    
the occupiers of Kings 25-0-0    foot
Bullavin 12-10-0    
Torland 12-10-0    
The occupiers of 3 parts of Meads 17-5-0    foot
Thomas Trustor ye occupiers8-0-0    
John Robert Harvey4-15-0    ['John' crossed out]
The occupiers of ye higher part of Old Piles6-0-0    
the occupiers of ye 4th part of Meads5-15-0    
William Chubb5-5-0    
Christopher Rockwood3-0-0    
James Abbottfor his tenem[en]t12-10-0    [group 5 amounts only to £37-10-0]
New Piles 12-10-0    
Chyfts [?] [or Cliyfts] tenement12-10-0    
John UnderhillConstables    
John Prideaux    
[endorsed on back "Harford 4 men". The assessment does not distinguish between horse and foot, and it has been assumed that the first entry is assigned to horse on the basis that the remainder are equivalent to 4 foot soldiers (if the last 3 entries = £37-10s) are excluded.] [the 'groups' are separated by short lines in the left margin]

[In the documents, the amounts recorded are arranged in groups normally adding up to £50 (or multiples of £50), and known as 'fifties', each responsible for providing one or more soldiers; in the transcript, the fifties are separated by grey bands; see Section 2 of the Commentary, The documents described.]