Z1/43/4/7 Coryton, Lifton Hundred

An establishm[en]t made by us whose names are subscribed the twenty fifth day of October Anno Domini 1715 and in the second yeare of the reigne of our soveraigne Lord King George over England Scotland France & Ireland King defendor of the faith et[c] for the setling of both farriners and tinners within our s[ai]d p[ar]ish according to the late Act of Parliament for ordering the forces in the severall Countyes of this kingdome

Name (and title)Further detailsAmount    
Imprimis Henry Risdon Rector50    one armes
The ocupier now is Thomas StertFord & Corry Parkes30    tinners
& for Knowle20    
Mr Benjamin Gayerfor Ireland, a commission officer14    tinners
Edmond Herring gentfor Knowle8    
Thomas Burnafordfor Knowle15    
Daniell Reddacliffe11    
Henry Martynor ye holder for Bowtown2    
Henry Martynfor Corryhill6    tinners
Francis Warrinfor Corymils5    
Thomas Dillyfor Corymill Hams5    
George Hawtonfor Eastcott5    
Wm Dodgefor his tenem[en]t5    
Wm Gillfor Eastcott5    
Jane Martynfor Eastcott5    
Joane Hawking5    
Wm Lang5    
Walter Youldonor the holders for Eastcott5    [the actual total for this group is £51]
Peter CollinCon[sta]ble    
Wm Gill    

[Reverse side: 'Henery Risdon is charg'd to the foreigners one foot man and armes' and 'Coryton 1 men' recte man]

[In the documents, the amounts recorded are arranged in groups normally adding up to £50 (or multiples of £50), and known as 'fifties', each responsible for providing one or more soldiers; in the transcript, the fifties are separated by grey bands; see Section 2 of the Commentary, The documents described.]