Z1/43/5/9 Sheepstor, Roborough Hundred

These are to certifie yo[u]r worships whome it may concern that we have no mallitia within our s[ai]d p[ar]ish neither horse nor foot nor any contributers to either but the whole of our p[ar]ish consists of tinners witness our hands this 25th day of October 1715

Name (and title)Further detailsAmount    
(£ s d)    
John AndrewConstable &    
William CreberConstable    

[In the documents, the amounts recorded are arranged in groups normally adding up to £50 (or multiples of £50), and known as 'fifties', each responsible for providing one or more soldiers; in the transcript, the fifties are separated by grey bands; see Section 2 of the Commentary, The documents described.]