Z1/43/6/15a Rattery, Stanborough Hundred

October ye 19th 1715. A list of the names of those that are sett to foot armes according to the valew of there estates of £50 per annum within our s[ai]d parish

Name (and title)Further detailsAmount    
Impr[imi]s John Doidge vic[a]r33 06    arms
Edward Lunn [or Lum?]02 00    ['Lun' in duplicate copy]
Mrs [no forename] Flavellfor Snowdon11 14    
Mrs [no forename] Flavellfor part of Mudges03 00    
John Michelmore12 12    arms
Cyprian Lee04 04    
Richard Holman09 18    
Nickolas Rook, Clark10 16    
Richard Harris12 10    
John Savery Junr Gent28 16    arms
Richard Saveryof Ollacombe gent14 08    
Jacob Searell01 16    
Mrs [no forename] Whiterowfor part of Penswill05 00    
Mrs [no forename] Whiterow31 00    arms
Mrs [no forename] Gealard04 10    
John Belfeild Esqr for Hearn14 10    
John Belfeild Esqr for Lower Knowl31 10    arms
John Vavisorfor Martins03 10    
James Rowefor Whortly13 12    
The widdow [no forename] Luscombefor Putts01 08    
John Bellfeildfor Higher Knowl11 14    arms
John Vavisor11 14    
John Adms [Adams]for Cambs Downs, Beards Ground05 08    
Will[ia]m Butler04 10    
James Rowefor Putts & Lunns07 04    
Phillip Terill02 14    
Elizabeth Euens06 16    
Gaywin Hayman Rec[tor]for Cuming & Crooft15 06    arms
John Savery Junr11 14    
Edward Cole07 04    
Samu[e]l Jefferyfor Jedswill [=Edeswell or Ideswell]04 10    
Mrs [no forename] Flavellfor the other part of Mudgs03 06    
Robert Preston08 00    
George Fordof Mr Marshell for Tarn15 06    arms
John Bellfeild Esqr for Crabacross01 16    
John Phillipsfor Comb Park02 14    
Peter Luscombefor Tor Downs09 00    
John Phillipsfor Hathland06 06    
Richard Rodd10 16    
John Luscombefor part of his estats04 02    
Will[ia]m Maddick13 10    arms
Mrs [no forename] Clement07 04    ['Selment' in Sept duplicate]
Sam Jefferyfor Dorwills13 10    ['Doswell' in Sept duplicate]
John Luscombe07 12    
Robert Burt03 14    
John Whiteley01 00    
Edward Euens01 00    
The widow [no forename] Phillipsfor Harris and Bardens tenements02 10    
The former contributions to the hors are as foloweth     
Impr[imi]s Waltham Savery Esqr 250    horse
Thomas Luscombe Esqr 80    horse
Colonall [no forename] Rolls22    horse
Waltham Savery Esqr for estates fallen in hand10    
Thomas Luscombfor estates since fallen in hand20    
Will[ia]m Ilbert Esqr 11    
Sam Wotton Esqr 09    
Thomas Pyne Esqr 64    
Richard Duck Esqr 36    
John DoidgeVic[a]r [signatory]     
Ric Saveryju[nio]r [signatory]     
John Michelmore[signatory]     
John Savery ju[nio]r [signatory]     
Will[ia]m MaddickCon[sta]bl[e]    
Rich HarrisCon[sta]bl[e]    
    Rattery 10 men' on reverse

[In the documents, the amounts recorded are arranged in groups normally adding up to £50 (or multiples of £50), and known as 'fifties', each responsible for providing one or more soldiers; in the transcript, the fifties are separated by grey bands; see Section 2 of the Commentary, The documents described.]