Z1/43/6/20 Thurlestone, Stanborough Hundred

September the 7th Anno D[om]in[o] 1715. An establishment then made by the Deputie Leiutenants of the County aforesaid of foot souldiers and arms within the parish aforesaid as they stand charged to the militia of this said County according to severall Acts of Parliament in that case made and provided

Name (and title)Further detailsAmount    
Impri[mi]s William Prichard Rector50    a mans arms
William Adams Junr30    a mans arms[note in right hand margin: 'Assest to the farryners nyne foot arms']
The occupiers of Wester Whit [=Whitley] 20    
John Phillips Junr30    a mans arms
Hugh Harris10    
Sarah HarrisLand05    
Richard Morgan05    
James Wakeham14    a mans arms
Phillip Cornish10    
Phillip Randle10    
Jane Pearse10    
Joane Steerfor Kats03    
John Lakeman Junr03    
Elizabeth Winstone23    a mans arms
The Trustees of Whitly 23    
Abraham Gilbert gentl[eman]04    
William Shepheard15    a mans arms
Mr [no forename] Pearsestenement15    
John Shepheardof Thur10    
John ShepheardBuck10    
John Square& meadows33    a mans arms
William Tabb&    
Jo[hn] Squ[are]05    
John Luckham&    
And[rew] Lang[man]05    
Phillip Lidston07    
Thomas Cornish16    a mans arms
Andrew Langman10    
Mrs [no forename] Roup15    
Mary Cornish05    
Ro[bert] Lidston&    
Mary Lome04    
Mr [no forename] Pearsestenem[en]t more05    
Mary Rhods16    a mans arms
Ro[bert] Cole&    
Jo[hn] Lake16    [mss has 'Jo: Lake:']
Roger Lidstone08    
James Rhods05    
Roger Treeby03    
John Tabb02    
Phillip LidstoneConstable    
William TabConstable    
Thomas CornishAssistant    
Jo[hn] PhillipsAssistant    
Jo[hn] SquareAssistant    
[Additional entries in right hand margin]     
Mr [no forename] StephensClannacom150    charged to horse
Tynners £ s    
Mary Lome21-15    tynner; a mans arms
John Phillips06-10    
John Square03-00    
Mr [no forename] Harrisffa [or Fa]12-10    [meaning of abbreviation unclear]
John Lidstone06-05    
Roger Harris12-10    tynner; a mans arms
Francis Ed:ffa [or Fa]12-10    [meaning of abbreviation unclear]
Their estate: B: 25-00    ['B' probably = Bigbury]
    [endorsed on back 'Thurlestone 9 men']

[In the documents, the amounts recorded are arranged in groups normally adding up to £50 (or multiples of £50), and known as 'fifties', each responsible for providing one or more soldiers; in the transcript, the fifties are separated by grey bands; see Section 2 of the Commentary, The documents described.]