Alms-house, hospital or charitable endowment: About four pound per annum formerly given by one Tantazen for ye repair of ye Church as the Minister and Church-Wardens shall think fitt which has of late years been duly applied though not formerly.
Residence upon cure: I have constantly resided for about twenty five years, but being often afflicted with ye Cholick and other disorders have been advisd to change ye air often and to use ye Bath waters by which I have found great benefitt.
Curate: About July last I made choice of the Reverend Mr Georg Cook in full Orders to serve ye Cure with your Lordships previous approbacion and Licence, and leave for my non residence which was granted by your Lordships predecessor, all which Mr Cook told me was obtained till I found it otherwise at ye Visitacion.
Frequency of divine service: The Parish being very small and ye houses at a great distance from ye Church except one Divine Service has been performed only Sundays both parts of ye day with a Sermon.
Having lately changd houses and remov’d a great many boxes of writeings have not been able as yet to lay hands upon institution papers and orders. [Explanation]