Population and dissenters: There are thirty Families in my Parish. There are here no Meeting Houses nor Dissenters of any Denomination whatever.
Public or charity schools: There is no publick or Charity School, endowed or otherwise maintain'd in my Parish.
Alms-house, hospital or charitable endowment: There is no Alms-house, Hospital, or other charitable Endowment in my Parish. No Lands or Tenements have been left here for the Repair of the Church or other pious Use.
Residence upon cure: I do reside personally upon my Cure, and in my Parsonage House.
Frequency of divine service: Divine Service is perform'd in my Church on the Days of Humiliation and Thanksgiving appointed by Authority. Divine Service is perform'd here twice every Lord's <day> with a Sermon both in the Morning and in the Evening, unless on that Day, or on those Days; in which I perform Divine Service at Brushford. The People with whom I am concern'd, are imploy'd in Husbandry, and must labour hard for a Livelihood; So that neither I nor my Predecessors were ever able to prevail with ym to attend on the Service of ye Church on other Holy Days, and therefore they've been and Still are omitted here.
Frequency of communion: The Holy Sacrament of the Lord's Supper is administred in my Church five Times in the Year.
Number of communicants: There are about Seventy Communicants in my Parish. Thirty usually receive. At Easter last past forty or thereabouts might be the Number of them who communicated.
Catechising of children: I catechize the Children in my Church three or four Times over every Year in the Summer. My Parishioners teach their Children and Servants the Catechism at Home, and when they are able to say it, which they usually can do by the Time they are 6 or 7 years old, they Send em pursuant to Notice given for that Purpose to the Church, where I catechize & instruct them, as I think may be most Suitable to their Capacity.
Chapels or chapels in ruins: There is no Chapple in my Parish, in which Divine Service is perform'd, neither is there any Chapple here in Ruins.
Bundley R.- William Marshall, A.B.
Inst. Jul. 20. 1731. Presb. Sept. 21st 1729.
Stephan Exon [Explanation]