Clovelly, Deanery of Hartland

Chanter 225B, 836-837

  1. Population and dissenters: In the Parish of Clovelly are an 148 Families, not one of them Dissenters of any Denomination whatsoever.

  2. Public or charity schools: A Gallery large enough to hold sixty Persons was in the year 1702 by License from the Bishop, & consent of the Patron, & Principal Inhabitants, erected at The West=end of the Church, at the expence of Mr William Prince the then Rector. The monies arising from ye Seats in ye said Gallery to be employ'd, & Layd out by Him, & his Successors toward the Teaching the children of the poor Parishioners, to read the English Tongue: which excellent Donation is at this time a fund for the Instruction of Twenty of the said poor children.

  3. Alms-house, hospital or charitable endowment: Nothing of this kind hath ever come to my knowledge.

  4. Residence upon cure: I reside personally upon my Cure, & in the Parsonage House.

  5. Curate: I have no residing Curate.

  6. Divine service at other churches: I perform Divine Service at no Church besides my own.

  7. Frequency of divine service: Divine Service is perform'd in my Church twice every Lord's=Day, with a Sermon in the morning, Prayers all Holy=days, Wednesdays & Fridays in Lent, & all Fridays during The Summer, The Town being a Mile from the Church.

  8. Frequency of communion: The Holy Sacrament of the Lord's Supper is administer'd in my Church Christmas=day, & the Sunday following; Easter=day & the Sunday following; Whitsunday, & the Sunday next after the Feast of St Michael.

  9. Number of communicants: We have, I imagine, about 300 Communicants, a great number of them Seafaring Persons, & consequently frequently debarr'd by theyr Employ from attending the Holy Communion. About 140 communicated at Easter last past.

  10. Catechising of children: The children are catechiz'd in my Church in the time of Lent, & at the latter end of the Summer. The Parishioners are too negligent in sending their children, & servants, who have not learn'd theyr Catechism, to be instructed.

  11. Chapels or chapels in ruins: I have no Chapel in my Parish, nor is there any in Ruins.

    Clovelly R. John Robbins A.B. inst. Aug: 10, 1730.
    Presb: June 23, 1728. Benj: Sarum. [Explanation]