Chanter 232A, 203
I now reside at Beer in an House, for which I am obliged by the durum Telum Necessitas2 to give a very high Rent.
Priest's orders and institution: A.D. 1746 I was ordained Deacon by my very good Friend the late Dr. Welles Bp. of Bath & Wells, who was pleased to rank Me in the Number of his Chaplains.
A.D. 1750 I was ordained Priest by the late Dr. Sherlock Bp. of London. My Institution to the Vicarage of Seaton & Beer bears Date the 5th August 1769. On the Day following (being Sunday) I took Possession, and went through the whole Service according to the Forms usually prescribed.
21st April 1779. Beer near Axminster.
J. Corpe. Vicar of Seaton & Beer.
[The following Latin paragraph is written on the reverse of the replies submitted by the Reverend Corpe.]
Quanquam nulla hactenus inter Nos Notitia est labentissime tamen agnosco Fortunas nostras, quod Te quasi Rivum a primaevo at Fidei, et Pietatis Fonte profluentem haec opportuna datur gratulandi Potestas. Virtutes autem in Te insitas satis admirari, nedum imitari haud facile conceditur. Quod igitur ad Me nullius vel Pretii, vel Formae Homunculum attinet; sat habeo, ac deo adjuvante, sat ?habebo Te sequi, quasi alterum Patrem, etiamsi non aequis Passibus. Te enim duce, Te Auspice, Nil Mihi desperandum erit
Most worthy protector
Although there is no acquaintance between us thus far, yet I tardily recognize our fortunes, that this timely power is given to congratulate you as a stream flowing from the youthful fountain of faith and piety. It is hardly given to me easily to admire the virtues which are innate in you, let alone to imitate them. Although therefore nothing belongs to me, a little man, of either value or beauty, I have sufficient and, with God's help, I shall have sufficient to follow you like a second father, albeit not with equal steps. With you as my leader, with you as my protector, I shall never lose hope.