Residence, curate and lecturer: The Living is under Sequestration. I am a resident Curate, not licenced. My Salary is fifty-two pounds & ten Shillings per Annum.
There is no Lecturer.
Frequency of communion: The Sacrament of the Lord's super is administered monthly to about two hundred Communicants.
Catechising of children: At all times when they can be brought to attend & constantly before a Confirmation. I have found the Children in general well instructed in the Church Catechism.
Church fabric: They are in good repair. The Churchyard is well kept. And we have all things decent for divine Service.
Chapels: There is no Chapel belonging to St. Saviour parish.
Papists, dissenters and meeting houses: There are no reputed papists in St. Saviours parish. There is one Presbiterian Meeting-House. The Teachers name is Mr: John Adams.