To the Revd the Minister of Ilsington

Chanter 232B, 578

  1. Residence, curate and lecturer: I am Vicar of Lewannick near Launceston in the County of Cornwall where I reside. My Curate at Ilsington is the Rd Mr Thomas Compton ordain'd Deacon by your Lordship last Summer, & then I suppose licenced the Salary is forty Guineas per Annum. He did intend to board in the Parish & does stil intend to do so when he can get a Place convenient to board at, in the mean time he lives cheifly in the Vicarage House where he put up a Bed & has got in some necessary Furniture.

  2. Other benefices: answer'd

  3. Divine service at other churches: My Curate Serves the Parish of Ilsington only, in which Church he reads Prayer & Preaches twice a Sunday.

  4. Frequency of divine service: answer'd

  5. Frequency of communion: Four times, at the three Great Festivals & Michaelmas. I believe about an Hundred, the last Time I administer'd the Sacrament there, there were about 70 or 80 that receiv'd.

  6. Catechising of children: Sunday Afternoon in the Summer.

  7. Church fabric: All those things in good Repair.

  8. Glebe terrier: There is a very good Terrier of the Glebe Lands House &c. in the Parish Register.

  9. Number of families: About an Hundred & fifty.

  10. Chapels: None.

  11. Papists, dissenters and meeting houses: None
    a few Presbyterian dissenter who go to Newton Meeting House.

  12. School, alms-houses, hospital and charitable endowments: None
    There are Lands to the Value of Twenty Pounds a year & upwards left to Charitable uses, for which Vicar & Churchwardens & some other [Continued under Q. 13]

  13. Charity: Gentlemen of the {Trustees} Parish are Trustees which are duly applied at Xmas There is likewise about five Pounds a year given away by the Parish <officers> in Books, & paying for the Schooling of Poor Children.

    Priest's orders and institution: I was ordain'd Priest Sept: ye 29th 1734 at Exeter. Instituted to the Vicarage the 26th day of May 1749.

    Charles Bedford