Public or charity schools: There is a Free School within my Parish endow'd with lands to the yearly Value of twenty pounds. But rendred quite useless through the ignorance incapacity & immorality of the master of the Said School. The Case has been laid before your Lordship from whom we hope redress.
NB. The Schoolmaster of the above Free School has no Licence, & I believe through his immorality & Incapacity could never obtain a Testimonial for that purpose.
Alms-house, hospital or charitable endowment: We have a work House erected in the Parish for the employing the poor, maintained at the charge of the Parish, according to the Act of Parliament. But no other Charitable Benefactions, excepted the endowed Free School as above, the Revenue of which is notoriously abused & misapplyed.
Residence upon cure: I do reside personally upon my Cure & in my Parsonage House.