“Now perhaps more than ever before…
…the written heritage of Devon needs friends – people who want to share their understanding of its riches, who want to celebrate the personal stories and social histories that it contains, and who are keen to preserve it for future generations. Please do lend your support.”
– Dr Ian Mortimer, author of The Time Traveller’s Guides.

Membership rates:
Individual: £10 per year
Family (2 people or more at the same address): £15 per year
Group, society or other organisation: £20 per year
Individual life membership £100.
- Individual: £10 per year
- Family (2+ people at the same address): £15 per year
- Group, society or other organisation: £20 per year
- Individual life membership £100.
Membership runs from 1 January to 31 December each year (Note: this was altered from 1 October at the 2015 AGM.)
Click here to download membership form (Word document, opens in new window).
Please complete the Banker’s Order or Membership Details with name and address and send with a cheque to: The Membership Secretary, Friends of Devon’s Archives, Alma Cottage, Western Backway, Kingsbridge, Devon TQ7 1QB